Absolute Solutions
Absolute Solutions

Abslon provide a wide range of Engineering Services to Mechanical, Food Processing, Automobile & Automation Industry segment.

We are Leader in Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions to Local and Global enterprises. we operates from Hubli, Karnataka (INDIA) is well placed to offer end to end solutions in Design and Manufacture solutions in various domains with the quality service and as cost effectively as is possible. Having provided quality engineering solutions to its selected clients for over years, we have gained a substantial understanding in the domains we operate in. This domain
knowledge, coupled with sound engineering knowledge makes Abslon. a preferred partner to Business Partners.

Abslon is a perfect combination of Technical core competency, State-of-the-art CAD and Manufacturing knowledge with the leadership and backing of the both Rich Engineering Experience and Software & young resources, continues to grow as a major force in the provision of Engineering and manufacturing solutions and thus change the way engineering.

[heading subtitle=”” size=”2″ heading_class=”heading” heading_style=”divider-sm”]Sectors[/heading]
[anps_icon icon=”fas fa-history” position=”icon-center” title=”Reverse Engineering”][/anps_icon]

Modelling, Analyzing & Finding and Solving Area of improvement

[anps_icon icon=”fas fa-briefcase-medical” position=”icon-center” title=”Medical Equipments”][/anps_icon]

Equipment for medical sectors for Health workers

[heading subtitle=”” size=”2″ heading_class=”heading” heading_style=”divider-sm”]Why Abslon[/heading]
[anps_icon icon=”” position=”icon-center” icon_size=”60″ title=”Industrial Experience” image=”2321″][/anps_icon]
[anps_icon icon=”” position=”icon-center” icon_size=”60″ title=”Best Product Quality” image=”2322″][/anps_icon]
[anps_icon icon=”fas fa-industry” position=”icon-center” icon_size=”60″ title=”Trusted by Big Brands” image=”2323″][/anps_icon]
[anps_icon icon=”” position=”icon-center” icon_size=”60″ title=”Excellent Custom Service” image=”2324″][/anps_icon]
[heading subtitle=”” size=”1″ heading_class=”heading” heading_style=”style-1″]Puriflow[/heading]

A PAPR is a battery-powered blower that provides positive airflow through a filter, cartridge, or canister to a hood or face piece
